Wasaga Beach Special Council

Council Chambers

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  • Recommended Motion:
    1. THAT the report titled: 425 River Road West Facility - Highest and Best Use Proposal to Council be received; and
    2. THAT Council deem the 425 River Road West property surplus; and
    3. THAT Council direct the CAO to place the property for sale at the appropriate time as per discussions in the attached business case.

  • Recommended Motion:
    1. THAT the report titled: Beachfront Development-Town Capital Works – Financial Plan, to the Special Council meeting of July 29, 2024, be received; and
    2. THAT Council approve the Financial recommendations outlined in this report to advance the Beachfront Development consisting of;
      1. Selling the property at 425 RRW promptly and allocating $5.5M of proceeds to the funding gap, to be invested in short-term GICs and drawn as required;
      2. Selling properties the Town has identified as surplus to address the remaining $9.2M funding gap, on a multi-year approach aligned with the cashflow needs.