Wasaga Beach Special Council


Council Chambers
Members Present:
  • Mayor B. Smith
  • Deputy Mayor T. Snell
  • Councillor J. Belanger
  • Councillor F. Ego
  • Councillor E. Timms
  • Councillor R. White
Members Absent:
  • Councillor S. Dileo

There were none noted.

Mayor Smith removed himself as Chair for the vote on the motion.

Deputy Mayor Snell took the Chair for this portion of the meeting. 

  • Resolution No:COU-2024-216
    Moved by:T. Snell
    Seconded by:J. Belanger
    1. THAT Council waive Sections 5.05 (d) 6.11 (c) of the Town's Procedure By-law to hear a notice of motion from Mayor Brian Smith and to consider that motion on todays agenda; and
    2. THAT the contents of the agenda for July 29, 2024, be approved as amended.
  • Resolution No:COU-2024-217
    Moved by:B. Smith
    Seconded by:F. Ego

    WHEREAS the Town of Wasaga Beach is home to the longest freshwater beach in the world;

    AND WHEREAS the Town of Wasaga Beach hosts millions of tourists each year, that come to enjoy all the Town and the Provincial Park have to offer;

    AND WHEREAS Wasaga Beach is the only municipality in the Province of Ontario that has a Provincial Park 100% embedded within the Town boundaries and this Ontario Park (Wasaga Beach Provincial Park) the Town believes, is one of the busiest Provincial Parks and one of the highest revenue generating Parks in the province;

    AND WHEREAS approximately 25% of the Town’s landmass is Provincial Park, including almost all of the 14 kilometres of beachfront;

    AND WHEREAS the reputation of the Town of Wasaga Beach is being gravely harmed due to concerns from citizens and tourists regarding the quality of care, and lack thereof, of the Wasaga Beach Provincial Park;
    AND WHEREAS the Town of Wasaga Beach currently has a By-law in place that prohibits tents on any Town-owned waterfront lands; and

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Town of Wasaga Beach immediately requests assistance from the Honourable Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario to work with the Town of Wasaga Beach on implementing rules for the Wasaga Beach Provincial Park beachfront that prohibits any enclosed temporary structure on the beach;

    AND FURTHER THAT the Province immediately looks to invest more resources and finances into the Wasaga Beach Provincial Park to bring it back to a standard similar to which it was when the Park was first created. This includes better managed washroom facilities, a clean and pristine beach, increased garbage receptacles and garbage collection, increased repair and maintenance on all buildings, structures, picnic tables etc., owned by the Province;

    AND FURTHER THAT the Town also request more Provincial Park Wardens to enforce rules and regulations within the Provincial Park boundary and to drastically increase the fines for individuals found violating these rules;

    AND FURTHER THAT the Town is urgently requesting a response and a meeting on the matter with the Honourable Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario, the Honourable Andrea Khanjin, Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks and the Honourable Stan Cho, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Gaming and Ministry of Sport at either Queens Park or the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) Conference in Ottawa;

    AND FURTHER THAT a copy of this Resolution be sent to the Honourable Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario, the Honourable Andrea Khanjin, Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, the Honourable Stan Cho, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Gaming and Ministry of Sport, MPP for Simcoe-Grey Brian Saunderson, AMO and the County of Simcoe.


The Planner provided an overview of the application and the proposed development.

The Planner relayed that Staff will forward comments received to Council and provide a recommendation report to Council at a later date.

Michael Benner, Benner & Company Land Use Planning provided additional information on the proposed development on behalf of the applicant.

Resident Davin Kamino provided a presentation in opposition to the proposed application and noted concerns regarding the lack of visibility of the signage, lack of meeting notice, the displacement of residents currently residing in the trailer park and  the rezoning intent from residential to commercial.
Resident Pemela Stevens and Claire Chaisson provided a presentation in opposition to the proposed application and noted concerns regarding the potential eviction of current tenants. Concerns were also raised regarding the current Official Plan designation not being consistent with the current zoning, and not to allow the rezoning. 
Christina De Palma of De Palma Legal Services spoke on behalf of tenants who reside within the Cedar Grove campground and noted concerns regarding the potential eviction of the tenants, and that the proposed rezoning will displace the tenants.
Resident Davina Johnston spoke in opposition to the application and noted concerns regarding the lack of visibility of the public meeting signage, unexpected bills received from the past property owner regarding septic system replacement, and potentially being evicted.
Richard Cuipa spoke in opposition to the application and noted concerns regarding the expansion of commercial activity on Town property and by-law compliancy and requested site plan control.
Helen Belanger spoke in opposition to the application and noted concerns regarding the proposed rezoning of the property and questioned whether future notification would be provided should the property be used for other uses allowed in the Campground Commercial Zone.
Council Members provided comments pertaining to:
•    Current zoning versus current Official Plan designation
•    Zoning definitions for certain uses 
•    Potential for Legal Non-Conforming status
•    Current compliance with Town By-laws including signs erected on Town Hydro Poles, trees previously ordered removed and Safety concerns regarding debris left behind as a result of demolition of existing buildings.  
The Director of Planning answered some of the questions and concerns that were raised and answered questions of Council.
The General Manager of Development Services addressed Bylaw enforcement concerns and answered questions of Council.

The Planner provided an overview of the application and the proposed development.

The Planner relayed that Staff will forward comments received to Council and provide a recommendation report to Council at a later date.

Darren Vella, Innovative Planning Solutions provided additional information on the proposed development on behalf of the applicant.

Susan Anthony spoke in opposition of the proposed application and noted concerns regarding traffic flow; height of buildings, environmental protection and the wildlife that reside in the wooded area around the proposed development.
Janet Arthur spoke in opposition and noted concerns regarding  traffic impact, wildlife interruption and future construction noise.
Kathleen Caswell spoke in opposition and noted concerns regarding environmental impacts surrounding the proposed development.
Joe Mauti spoke to his opposition to the application and noted concerns were regarding density levels, height of the development, past flooding in the area, environmental issues, need for infrastructure improvements and traffic.
Illya Gordiyenko spoke in opposition to the application and noted concerns regarding special provisions within a residential zone, parking concerns and the increase in traffic.
Teresa MacKay spoke in opposition to the application and noted concerns regarding traffic impact by the proposed development; lack of convenience stores.
Dave Snell spoke in opposition and noted concerns regarding potential flooding and traffic.
Councillor Members provided comments pertaining to:

  • Natural heritage
  • Public park for the community and  residents
  • Visitor parking  
  • Conceptual deck designs
  • Flooding concerns and the “Sponge Cities” concept
  • Proposed stormwater channel
  • Traffic impact on Roberts Street
  • 6-storey buildings relocate elsewhere on site

The Planner provided an overview of the application and the proposed development.

The Planner relayed that Staff will forward comments received to Council and provide a recommendation report to Council at a later date.

Brandi Clement, Jones Consulting Group Ltd., providing additional information on the proposed development on behalf of the applicant.

No comments from the public.

Councillor Members provided comments pertaining to:

  • Reduction of speed on County Road 7 and possibility for entrance onto the County Road
  • Detail designs around permeable pavement

The Planner provided an overview of the application and the proposed development.

The Planner relayed that Staff will forward comments received to Council and provide a recommendation report to Council at a later date.

Brandi Clement, Jones Consulting Group Ltd., provided additional information on the proposed development on behalf of the applicant.

Samantha Cianfarani sought clarity on where the access will be located, as well as the status of this application.

Council Members provided comments pertaining to

  • When will the sales centre will be built and the number of employees on site
  • Timelines for the sales centre and number of employees on site
  • Adequate parking

There were no presentations.

  • Resolution No:COU-2024-218
    Moved by:F. Ego
    Seconded by:T. Snell
    1. THAT  the delegation by Sylvia Bray pertaining to Item 7.3 Sign By-law and AMPS By-law Amendment be received for information.
  • Resolution No:COU-2024-219
    Moved by:R. White
    Seconded by:E. Timms
    1. THAT Consent List items under Staff Reports and all recommendations contained therein be adopted, excluding Agenda items pulled from the motion and moved to Matters for Consideration to be voted on separately.
  • Resolution No:COU-2024-219
    Moved by:R. White
    Seconded by:E. Timms
    1. THAT the report titled: Sale of Municipal Surplus Land to the Special Council meeting of July 29th 2024, be received for information.
  • Resolution No:COU-2024-219
    Moved by:R. White
    Seconded by:E. Timms
    1. THAT the report titled: Application for Zoning By-law Amendment (Z00324) to the Special Council meeting of July 29, 2024, be received; and
    2. THAT Council enact a Zoning By-law Amendment (Z00324), as recommended by Planning staff in this report.

  • Resolution No:COU-2024-219
    Moved by:R. White
    Seconded by:E. Timms
    1. THAT the report titled: Downtown Community Improvement Plan, to the Special Council meeting of July 29, 2024, be received; and
    2. THAT Council extend the Downtown Community Improvement Plan Incentive Program for another five (5) year term with a further option to renew in 2029, subject to Council approval; and
    3. THAT the Priority Investment Area outlined in the Community Improvement Plan be enlarged to include Town-Owned properties at 41, 47 and 59 Beach Drive.

  • Resolution No:COU-2024-219
    Moved by:R. White
    Seconded by:E. Timms
    1. THAT the report titled: Canada Community-Building Fund Agreement, to the Council meeting of July 29, 2024, be received; and
    2. THAT Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute the Canada Community-Building Fund Agreement attached to this report.

  • Resolution No:COU-2024-220
    Moved by:R. White
    Seconded by:T. Snell
    1. THAT the report titled: 425 River Road West Facility - Highest and Best Use Proposal to Council be received; and
    2. THAT Council deem the 425 River Road West property surplus; and
    3. THAT Council direct the CAO to place the property for sale at the appropriate time as per discussions in the attached business case.
    Yea (6)B. Smith, T. Snell, J. Belanger, F. Ego, E. Timms, and R. White
    Absent (1)S. Dileo
    CARRIED (6 to 0)
  • Resolution No:COU-2024-221
    Moved by:R. White
    Seconded by:F. Ego
    1. THAT the report titled: Beachfront Development-Town Capital Works – Financial Plan, to the Special Council meeting of July 29, 2024, be received; and
    2. THAT Council approve the Financial recommendations outlined in this report to advance the Beachfront Development consisting of;
      1. Selling the property at 425 RRW promptly and allocating $5.5M of proceeds to the funding gap, to be invested in short-term GICs and drawn as required;
      2. Selling properties the Town has identified as surplus to address the remaining $9.2M funding gap, on a multi-year approach aligned with the cashflow needs.
    Yea (6)B. Smith, T. Snell, J. Belanger, F. Ego, E. Timms, and R. White
    Absent (1)S. Dileo
    CARRIED (6 to 0)
  • Resolution No:COU-2024-222
    Moved by:R. White
    Seconded by:E. Timms
    1. THAT the report titled: Sign By-law and AMPS By-law Amendment, to the Special Council meeting of July 29, 2024, be received;
    2. THAT Council adopt By-law 2024-59 to amend By-law 2021-68, cited as the “Sign By-law”; and
    3. THAT Council adopt By-law 2024-60 to amend By-law 2024-40, cited as the “AMPS By-law”.
    Yea (6)B. Smith, T. Snell, J. Belanger, F. Ego, E. Timms, and R. White
    Absent (1)S. Dileo
    CARRIED (6 to 0)

Council convened into closed session at 4:45 p.m.

  • Resolution No:COU-2024-223
    Moved by:E. Timms
    Seconded by:F. Ego
    1. THAT pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the next portion of the July 29, 2024, Special Council Meeting, will move into Closed Session to consider the following matters:

Council reconvened into Open Session at 7:35 p.m.

Council entered Closed Session on July 29, 2024 at 4:45 pm to discuss the following matters:

Item 9.1 Beachfront Hotel - Letter of Intent In accordance with Section 239(2)(i).
Item 9.2 Municipal Lease Agreement In accordance with Section 239(2)(k).
Item 9.3 Employment Matters In accordance with Section 239(2)(b)
As a result of these discussions Staff direction was provided in accordance with the Municipal Act.


  • Resolution No:COU-2024-224
    Moved by:F. Ego
    Seconded by:E. Timms
    1. THAT the following By-laws be received and be deemed to have been read a first, second and third time, passed and numbered as follows:

    - 2024-59 A By-law to amend Sign By-law 2021-68

    - 2024-60 A By-law to amend AMPS By-law 2024-40

    - 2024-61 A By-law to amend Town of Wasaga Beach Comprehensive Zoning By-law No. 2003-60, as amended

    2024-62 A By-law to confirm the proceedings of Council of the Corporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach at its Special Council Meeting held Monday July 29, 2024


Mayor Smith adjourned the meeting at 7:38 p.m.

No Item Selected