Wasaga Beach Council Meeting

Council Chambers

For information pertaining to this agenda or to arrange for any additional accessibility needs please contact the Clerk's Division at [email protected].

A new Land Acknowledgement will be presented by Muckpaloo Ipeelie, Urban Inuit Identity Project.

There are no proclamations.

  • Recommended Motion:
    1. THAT the contents of the agenda for June 13, 2024, be approved as circulated.
  • Recommended Motion:
    1. THAT the Minutes of the Council Meeting held May 30, 2024, are hereby adopted as circulated.
  • Recommended Motion:
    1. THAT the Minutes of the Special Council Meeting held on June 4, 2024, are hereby adopted as circulated.

There are no Statutory Public Meetings.

  • Recommended Motion:
    1. THAT the report titled: Revised Land Acknowledgement, to the Council meeting of June 13, 2024, be received; and
    2. THAT the presentation from Muckpaloo Ipeelie of the Urban Inuit Identity Project be received; and
    3. THAT Council adopt the revised Land Acknowledgement Statements (Appendix C & D) for use at the start of all council, committee and advisory committee meetings and other significant meetings and events.

Marianne Love from ML Consulting will be making a presentation pertaining to the Compensation Review for Management - Non-Union Employees and Members of Council.

  • Recommended Motion:
    1. THAT the presentation by Marianne Love, ML Consulting pertaining to Compensation Review for Management - Non-Union Employees and Members of Council be received as information;

    2. THAT the report titled: Compensation Review for Management/Non-Union Employees and Members of Council to the June 13, 2024 meeting of Council, be received;

    3. THAT Council approve the proposed wage chart at the 55th percentile for Members of Council as attached in Appendix A;

    4. THAT the unbudgeted amount of $52,990 for the Council Remuneration increase be approved and funded from the General Reserve;

    5. THAT an updated Council Remuneration By-law be brought forward to the next regular Council meeting;

    6. THAT Council approve the updated ladder chart (Appendix B) and wage chart (Appendix C) for Management/Non-Union employees, effective January 1, 2024;

    7. THAT Council approve the benefit enhancements for Management/Non-Union employees, Council and Retirees, effective July 1, 2024 as referenced in the staff report;

    8. THAT the unbudgeted amount of $249,500 ($349,500 less the budget of $100,000) associated with the updated ladder and wage charts for Management/Non-Union employees be approved and that $249,500 be funded from the General Reserve; and

    9. THAT the Director of Human Resources be directed to conduct another market review for Management/Non-Union Staff and Council every four years.
  • Recommended Motion:
    1. THAT the presentation by Richard Innes, Brain Trust pertaining to Tourism Destination Management Plan be received as information.

Allan Mendelsohn will be speaking in place of Chuck Burgoyne

  • Recommended Motion:
    1. THAT the delegation by Allan Mendelsohn and Wayne Browning pertaining to a request for additional pickleball courts and use of washrooms for participants and portable shed for equipment storage be received.

There are no Government Relation updates.

  • Recommended Motion:
    1. THAT the report titled: Wasaga Beach WPCP Performance Report from January 1, 2024 to May 31, 2024 be received for information.
  • Recommended Motion:
    1. THAT the report titled: Wasaga Beach DWS Performance Report January 1, 2024 to May 31, 2024 be received for information.
  • Recommended Motion:
    1. THAT the report titled: Contract No. PW2024-11 – Ramblewood Drive Park Playground Development to the Council meeting of June 13, 2024, be received;
    2. THAT Council award Contract No. PW2024-11 for the Ramblewood Drive Park Playground Development to Powcon Inc. for the prices stipulated in their tender bid;
    3. That the unbudgeted amount of approximately $246,071.03 be approved and funded from the General Park Reserve; and
    4. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute an agreement with Powcon Inc. subject to approval of content by the Director of Public Works and financial content by the Chief Financial Officer.
  • Recommended Motion:
    1. THAT the report titled: Introduction of Administrative Monetary Penalties By-law and First Round of Designated By-laws be received for information; and

    2. THAT Council adopt the following attached by-laws: Administrative Monetary Penalties System, Building Maintenance, Clean Neighbourhoods, Fence Maintenance, Noise Control, Nuisance, Screening and Hearing Officers, Shopping Cart, Special Events, Car Rally and Parking; and

    3. THAT Council repeal Property Standards By-law 99-35, Clean Yards By-law 2019-14, Noise and Nuisance By-law 2019-15, Special Events By-law 2018-99, Car Rally By-law 2023-74 and Parking By-law 2005-17.

  • Recommended Motion:
    1. THAT the report titled: Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan, to the Council meeting of June 13, 2024, be received; and
    2. THAT Council approve the 2024-2023 Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan as required in Ontario Regulation 25/23 attached as Appendix A.

  • Recommended Motion:
    1. THAT the report titled: Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee – Terms of Reference Update and appointment, to the Council meeting of June 13th, 2024, be received;
    2. THAT Council adopt the updated Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee on Tourism’s Terms of Reference, appended to this report as Appendix A and;
    3. THAT Council appoint Leslie Farkas as the representative from the business association, Wasaga Beach Chamber of Commerce for the remainder of this term of Council.

There are no recommendations.

  • Recommended Motion:
    1. THAT pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the next portion of the June 13, 2024 Council Meeting, will move into Closed Session to consider the following matters:

    17.1.1 Climate Action Advisory Committee Appointment in accordance with Section 239(2) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees.


  • Recommended Motion:
    1.  THAT the following By-laws be received and be deemed to have been read a first, second and third time, passed and numbered as follows:

    - 2024-38  A By-law to appoint Municipal Law Enforcement Officers for the Town of Wasaga Beach 

    - 2024-39  A By-law to appoint Municipal Law Enforcement Officer and Property Standards Officer for the Town of Wasaga Beach

    - 2024-40  Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-law

    - 2024-41  Building Maintenance By-law

    - 2024-42  A By-Law to Prohibit Vehicular Nuisance Events

    - 2024-43  A By-Law to provide for the maintenance of land in a clean and clear condition and to repeal by-law 2019-14

    - 2024-44  A By-law to provide uniform standards for the maintenance of fences within the Town of Wasaga Beach

    - 2024-45  A By-law to control Noise within the Municipality and to repeal By-law 2019-15

    - 2024-46  A By-law to prohibit and regulate nuisances in the Town of Wasaga Beach 

    - 2024-47  A By-law to establish rates and regulations for the parking of vehicles within the Town of Wasaga Beach

    - 2024-48  Appointment of Screening and Hearing Officers to Implement AMPS

    - 2024-49  A By-law to regulate Special Events in the Town of Wasaga Beach

    - 2024-50  A By-law regulating the retrieval, storage and disposition of abandoned shopping carts

    - 2024-51  A By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach at its Regular meeting held June 13, 2024.

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